ConstitutionTrump has already remade our constitutional order (1/31/2025)What a Second Trump Term Means for the Constitution (11/7/2024)We’re living under a flawed Constitution. Let’s start fresh and rewrite it (8/23/2024)The Constitution Won’t Save Us From Trump (4/26/2024)‘Tyranny of the Minority’ warns Constitution is dangerously outdated (9/12/2023)U.S. Constitution Threatened as Article V Convention Movement Nears SuccessTrump calls for the termination of the Constitution in Truth Social post (12/4/2022)There Are 100 People in America With Way Too Much Power NYT (7/23/2022)
“I actually don’t think our Constitution is failing, I think it is doing exactly what it was designed to do from the beginning, which is to protect the interest of a small number of rich white men.” No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs always to the living generation...Every constitution, them, and every law, naturally expires at the end of 19 years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force and not of right." Thomas Jefferson in a letter to James Madison from Paris, September 6, 1789 . . . with the collapse of the middle class in the last thirty years, we can no longer ignore the constitutional significance of economic inequality. Today, we live in an America in which the middle class is being hollowed out and political power is increasingly in the hands of the wealthiest individuals and corporations. As economic power and political power come into alignment, our system will become less and less amenable to reform. The Crisis Of The Middle-Class Constitution, Why Economic Inequality Threatens Our Republic: Ganesh Sitaraman pg 275 " ... the federal architecture intended to be a check and balance against tyrants, is not poised to act. Congressional representation is fundamentally anti-democratic. In the Senate, politicians representing 18 percent of the national population—epicenters of Trump’s base—can cast 51 percent of the chamber’s votes. A Republican majority from rural states, representing barely 40 percent of the population, controls the chamber. It repeatedly thwarts legislation reflecting multicultural America’s values—and creates a brick wall for impeachment." 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies This Court has gone far toward accepting the doctrine that civil liberty means the removal of all restraints from these crowds and that all local attempts to maintain order are impairments of the liberty of the citizen. The choice is not between order and liberty. It is between liberty with order and anarchy without either. There is danger that, if the Court does not temper its doctrinaire logic with a little practical wisdom, it will convert the constitutional Bill of Rights into a suicide pact. Justice Jackson's dissent in Terminiello v. City of Chicago It’s been 50 years* since America’s last real update to its Constitution. We asked seven writers and legal scholars what they think needs amending next. (NYT) 8/4/2021 We The People. Let's be brutal: democracy is dying. And the most startling thing is how few ordinary people are worried about it. Instead we compartmentalise the problem. Americans worried about the present situation typically worry about Trump - not the pliability of the most fetishised constitution in the world to kleptocratic rule. Paul Mason One counterintuitive implication of [Condorcet's] mathematical argument was that the larger the group voting, the more likely it was to arrive at a judicious outcome. From James Miller's book Can Democracy Work ? Ohio had a question on the fall ballot to change the Constitution to make abortion legal. Republicans decided to have a special election with only one question: whether to revise the Constitution to require 60% majority to make change. With only one question, the GOP expected low turnout and only very active voters. But the election was said to be a ‘blowout’, with people voting the Ohio Constitution will continue to be changed by a simple majority. The lesson: a Constitution that is hard to change enables minority rule. The US Constitution is almost impossible to change, but just as in Ohio, if it did change by simple majority of the national popular vote, people could regain their voice in government, very unpopular, undemocratic Supreme Court decisions overturned, and the Constitution altered for the modern world, failing that, the US will continue it's slide into fascism, corruption, and dystopia. The US Constitution, designed for the minority rule of property owners and slave holders, is like a burning building with people locked inside, preventing escape from destruction. Collapse of government and climate is in sight. To restore people’s voice in government, (aka democracy) there should be considerable change to the US Constitution. It would be best to allow change to the Constitution by a majority of the national popular vote. Adequate change is highly unlikely. The Constitution was drafted to protect property, which it does, not to be democratic. It is difficult to change and badly needs updating. The Constitution is not a suicide pact. Here is a likely forecast. Inside Steve Bannon’s ‘disturbing’ quest to radically rewrite the US constitution (10/19/2022)Every Country Is a Living Organism (5/27/2022)Thomas Jefferson Gave the Constitution 19 Years. Look Where We Are Now. (8/4/2021)Trump's presidency has amended the Constitution. Not formally, of course, but informally...which matters just as much. (2/22/2021)The Constitution does not mention God. Only that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion Why We Need A Constitutional Convention Center For Constitutional Rights The Constitution in Plain English American Constitution Society 2020 Convention (videos) Fund For Constitutional Government People's Blog For the Constitution Is US still a Constitutional Government ? The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis Bill Moyers How to improve decision making. (Daniel Ellsberg) Donald Trump’s Alternate Constitutional Reality (10/9/2020)The Democracy AmendmentsJames Mattis Denounces President Trump, Describes Him as a Threat to the Constitution (6/2020) The Atlantic
"The Constitution places more barriers to democracy than other developed countries. Four were specified in the slavery-defending founders Constitution: absolute veto power for the Senate, for the House, and for the president (if not outvoted by a two-thirds majority), and a Constitution that cannot be altered without the agreement of two-thirds of the states after Congress. Other features of the U.S. system further obstruct majority rule, including a winner-take-all Electoral College that encourages a two-party system; the Tenth Amendment, which steers power toward the states; and a system of representation in the unusually potent Senate that violates the principle of 'one person, one vote' to a degree not seen anywhere else. Owing to such mechanisms, Stepan and Linz note, even in the late 1960's, the heydey of income equality in the United States, no other country in the set of [long-standing democracies] was as unequal as America, and most were substantially more equal. As arresting, even the most equal U.S. state is less equal than any comparable country." from Democracy in Chains, Nancy McClean this effort to eliminate political violence they inspire just what they claim to be combating by suggesting that world peace is gained by the forcible spread of American ideology. Imperialism Destroys the Constitutional Republic "The Constitution should be clarified so that it sustains rather than throttles democracy. Do away with the Electoral College. Ban the practice of gerrymandering. Close the loophole that allows governors to appoint cronies to vacant Senate seats. Ask why America maintains a House of Lords - like Senate where, today, the vote of a member elected by 121,000 Wyomingites can cancel out the vote of a member elected by 7.8 million Californians. Consider electing members of the House to four-year terms that parallel those of the president, so that the popular will of 131 million voters in the next mid-term election can't be stymied by 90 million voters in the next mid-term election." Robert McChesney and John Nichols book: People Get Ready 'We've come to this ignoble moment.' 'We have become like Serbia.' 12 Jul 2008 'I never thought I would say this, but I think it might, in fact, be time for the United States to be held internationally to a tribunal. I never thought in my lifetime I would say that, that we have become like Serbia, where an international tribunal has to come to force us to apply the rule of law... So we've come to this ignoble moment, where we could be forced into a tribunal and forced to face the rule of law that we've refused to apply to ourselves.' --Constitutional Law expert Jonathan Turley, on MSNBC's Friday 'Countdown,' discussing accountability behind US war crimes at Guantanamo. The Patriot Act inverts the constitutional requirement that people's lives be private and the work of government officials be public; it instead crafts a set of conditions in which our inner lives become transparent and the workings of the government become opaque. Either one of these outcomes would imperil democracy; together they not only injure the country but also cut off the avenues of repair. Elaine Scarry
Here’s Another Impeachable Offense: Trump’s War on the Constitution (10/8/2019)The Crisis of Our Constitution (1/2019)It is likely that the US Constitution can no longer support a republic either if Republicans are successful in overthrow or otherwise retaking government [which looks quite possible] or if the middle class collapses. (See the Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution, Why Economic Inequality Threatens Our Republic by Ganesh Sitaraman. Republicans supporting Trump are corroding US institutions, the Constitution, and the republic. It really comes down to a problem with the Constitution, doesn't it ? It should be one person, one vote. But it's not. States vote for President, not people. Rural votes weight much more heavily, driving politics inexorably to the right. Republicans win without the popular vote. That's why the Senate, SCOTUS, and the President are like they are. Because the Constitution is hard to change, the Supreme Court bends it favoring the right. SCOTUS has been bending the tiller to the right for a long time, and we are now approaching Fascism. Right wing politics leads to concentration of the economy, and to wealth inequality which is itself a marker of bad government.”arguments in defense of the centralization of power and rising authoritarianism are always different, but the results are always the same: corruption, stagnation, dictatorship, repression, violence.” Gary Kasparov Unfettered capitalism favors a strong man head of state, a dictator, not democracy. History shows placing national power in one individual is always a mistake. Europeans made their royalty ceremonial only and they are much safer. Putin, Orban, Bolzanaro, KJU, and Trump are enemies of democracy. Republicans have consolidated power in the President, a very stable genius, who evangelicals has called the chosen one. Trump acknowledges no constraints, which is why he is dangerous. However capitalists favor dictators because they are usually for sale. If Trump can redirect funds from military projects to the wall, which Mexico will not pay for, Congress opposes, is an environmental disaster, and is unpopular. That breaks the Constitution’s clause that Congress controls spending. If Trump can refuse Congressional subpoenas for documents, witnesses, that breaks Congressional oversight and impeachment power of the Constitution, as well as checks and balances. If sycophants on the Courts take Trump’s side removing his accountability, that could kill our Republic. Congress surrendered war power to the President. Richard Nixon in 1974, when he was threatened with impeachment told reporters, “I can go into my office and pick up the telephone, and in 25 minutes 70 million people will be dead.” Partisan polarization means that impeachment can not hold the President accountable. Trump is a racist, authoritarian leader with a cult-like following who lies a lot, demonizes minorities, panders to the religious right and white nationalists, insists on strict loyalty, repels expert advisers, encourages armed supporters violent behavior, spurns international agreements, allies with other dictators, expands and modernizes the nuclear arsenal, denies facts like those from peer-reviewed science including the threat of climate collapse, doubles down on fossil fuels,… can fairly be called a fascist. It can happen here. The DOJ needs to be an independent agency which cannot be politically influenced. Otherwise we go the way of the banana republic, punishing political enemies and rewarding insiders. If investigations of the President are not allowed, he is above the law. Yet another wound of the Constitution. Remember Germany in the 1920's had a nice country before the right wing came along ? Fixing Our Founders' Mistakes (12/29/2017)Paul Krugman: Republicans Don't Give a Damn About Their Country or Its Constitution (5/19/2017)Trump is Violating the Constitution (2/23/2017)
Senator Feingold: The Problems with the FISA Bill Posted: 09 Jul 2008 11:59 PM CDT ![]() |
The framers of the Constitution probably never anticipated, and might be disgusted, that we have become an empire. It should make our pursuit of empire unconstitutional. That would reduce these enemies of democracy: a large standing army and the military-industrial-Congressional complex, and redirect our productive energy toward domestic overhauling our ricketty infrastructure.
The massive tax burden that we have for empire and military destructiveness might be relieved and we might regain some of our civil liberties. Our middle class might not sink as fast.
These key defects in the Constitution threaten democracy — because we ignored the warnings (5/11/2021)
Madison’s Nightmare Has Come to America (2/13/2020 the Atlantic)
People's Campaign for the Constitution
Hard Time Admitting The Constitution Is Flawed? We’ll Do It For You. (9/16/2019)
Constitution’s biggest flaw? Protecting slavery (9/17/2019)
American Constitution Society Blog
RS Recommends: Heidi Schreck's 'What the Constitution Means to Me'
The Crisis of the Middle Class Constitution, Why Wealth Inequality Threatens Our Republic by Ganesh Sitaraman
Broken Government, How Republican Rule Destroyed the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches, by John W. Dean.
The Framers' Coup, The Making of the United States Constitution by Michael J. Klarman (CSPAN)
LET THE PEOPLE PICK THE PRESIDENT, The Case for Abolishing the Electoral College: By Jesse Wegman
The Crisis Of The Middle-Class Constitution, Why Economic Inequality Threatens Our Republic: Ganesh Sitaraman
The Conservative Assault on the Constitution, Erwin Chemerinsky
When at Times the Mob Is Swayed, A Citizen’s Guide to Defending Our Republic: Burt Neuborne
Broken Trust: Dysfunctional Government and Constitutional Reform Stephen M. Griffin
Our Undemocratic Constitution: Where the Constitution Goes Wrong (And How
We the People Can Correct It): Sanford V. Levinson
A More Perfect Constitution: Larry J. Sabato
The Broken Constitution by Noah Feldman
Constitution 3.0 Freedom and Technological Change:
The Second Bill Of Rights: FDR's Unfinished Revolution and Why We Need It More Than Ever: Cass R. Sunstein
The Limits of Power, the End of American Exceptionalism: Andrew J. Bacevich
Constitutional chaos : what happens when the government breaks its own laws by Napolitano, Andrew P