An Angolan friend of Joe Wilson remarked: "One
candidate loses the popular vote by over 500,000 ballots, but his brother is governor of
the one state where the outcome is too close to call. The effort to
count the ballots is disrupted by the Washington staffs of elected
representatives from the candidate's party, and the court that
ultimately adjudicates the outcome is made up largely by people
appointed by the candidate's father. Sounds a lot like an election in
Africa."; Joe Wilson: Politics
of Truth; pg 281.
From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, history shows
there are certain steps that any would-be dictator must take to destroy constitutional freedoms.
And, argues Naomi Wolf, George Bush and his administration seem to be taking them all
Fascist America, in 10 easy steps
Naomi Wolf
“We’ve had bad presidents before but we’ve never had
a goddamn fool” Gore
"Under George W. Bush, American government is
dominated by corporate power to an extent unprecedented since the
Gilded Age, when the sugar, oil, steel, and railroad trusts owned government
officials and traded them like commodities." Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Crimes Against
Nature pg 195.
George W. Bush during his six years as
governor of Texas presided over 152 executions, more than any other
governor in the recent history of the United States. Still
Republicans nominated him and we are all paying the price.
Republicans at the very top spawned Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, waterboarding, secret prisons, and
other lawless 'justice'. The US now has the highest
rate of incarcerations in the world.
"If the president has commander-in-chief power to commit
torture, he has the power to commit genocide, to sanction slavery, to
promote apartheid, to license summary execution" Harold Koh, dean of
Yale Law School.
As a cure for the distemper of a restive electorate and a stop in the mouth
or a possibly quarrelsome press, nothing works as well as the lollipop of a foreign war.
The dodge is as old as chariots in Egypt, but by the autumn of 2003, the Bush
administration had little else with which to demonstrate either the
goodness of its heart or the worth of its existence.
From Gag Rule, On the Suppression of Dissent and the Stifling of Democracy by Lewis H. Lapham
"So far, I've seen nothing to eliminate the possibility that
Bush is on the same course as Hitler. And I've seen far too many
analogies to dismiss the possibility. The propaganda. The lies. The
rhetoric. The nationalism. The flag waving. The pretext of
'preventive war'. The flaunting of international law and
international standards of justice. The disappearances of
'undesirable' aliens. The threats against protesters. The invasion
of a non-threatening sovereign nation. The occupation of a hostile
country. The promises of prosperity and security. The spying on
ordinary citizens. The incitement to spy on one's neighbors - and
report them to the government. The arrogant triumphant pride in
military conquest. The honoring of soldiers. The tributes to
'fallen warriors'. The diversion of money to the military. The
demonization of government appointed 'enemies'. The establishment
of 'Homeland Security'. The dehumanization of 'foreigners'. The
total lack of interest in the victims of government policy. The
incarceration of the poor and mentally ill. The growing prosperity
from military ventures. The illusion of 'goodness' and primacy. The
new einsatzgrupen forces. Assassination teams. Closed extralegal
internment camps. The militarization of domestic police. Media
blackout of non-approved issues. Blacklisting of protesters
including the no-fly lists and photographing dissenters at
rallies." from
Both Senator Leahy and Senator Daschle were in positions capable of
blocking the neo-Nazi PATRIOT Act. Both senators had negotiated with
the Bush regime changes in the act that made it less tyrannical.
However, the changes were not in the final draft of the act sent to
Congress. Consequently, Leahy and Daschle were resisting the rush to
passage. I have often wondered if Leahy and Daschle understood the
anthrax letters to be Washington’s warning: “Get out of the way of
Tyranny or we will kill you.” Paul
Craig Roberts (4/18/2015)
"Legally, there are no
significant differences between the investor fraud perpetrated by Enron
CEO Ken Lay and the prewar intelligence fraud perpetrated by George W.
Bush. Both involved persons in authority who used half-truths and
recklessly false statements to manipulate people who trusted them.
There is, however, a practical difference: The presidential fraud is
wider in scope and far graver in its consequences than the Enron fraud.
Yet thus far the public seems paralyzed." Elizabeth de la Vega
They were wrong about Afghanistan. They were wrong about
Iraq. They were wrong about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass
destruction. They were wrong about what the U.S. military was capable of doing. The
country imploded economically while
they were at the helm. Geopolitically speaking, they headed the car of
state for the nearest cliff. If fact, when it comes to pure wrongness, what
weren't they wrong about ?" From the
United States of Fear: Tom Englehardt
...the Bush administration’s contempt of the rule of
law lays out most of the high crimes and misdemeanors ... The hypocrisy of US “support”
for the United Nations. The “marketing” of the Iraq invasion. The
unending conflation of Iraq and 9/11. The torture memos. Guantanamo.
Extraordinary renditions. National Security Letters. The “disappeared”
in CIA “black sites.” The euphemisms – i.e. “enhanced interrogation” –
used to sanitize repeated US violations of the Geneva Conventions. The
warrantless surveillance programs. The roundup and detention of
foreigners suspected of being of Middle Eastern descent. The overhyped
press conference trumpeting the arrests of “the worst of the worst” –
later set free, deported or charged with far less egregious crimes. And
the complicity of the president’s lawyers in finding “legal
justifications” to condone the uncondonable, to ignore the separation
of powers, and to promulgate the notion of a “unitary executive.”... It
is now time for us to demand truth, justice and accountability from the
Cowboy Republicans. (From a
review of Cowboy
Republic by Marjorie Cohn
G.H.W. Bush grandfather, George Herbert Walker, was a very early (1923) foreign contributor to Adolf Hitler and the German Nazi Party. GHW's father, Prescott Bush, was a banker for Nazi Germany, who continued doing business for them after Nazi Germany declared war on the United States following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Indeed, Franklin Roosevelt, who of course knew the Bushes socially, had to call Prescott in February, 1942 and threaten him with arrest and imprisonment under the Trading with the Enemy Act if he did not stop doing so.
Steven Jonas, MD, MPH
Re: Cuba As further rewards for Batista's ruthless terrorism regime over Cubans, Florida Republican governor Jeb Bush appointed Batista's grandson to the Florida Supreme Court. Born in Fascist Spain, GOP was thankful for his help in FL 2000 election steal.
George W. Bush is one of the world's worst war criminals:
murdered over one million Iraqis invaded Afghanistan
established Guantanamo prison kidnapped/exiled Haiti's president supported a coup in Venezuela pioneered extrajudicial drone strikes
Republican partisans on the Supreme Court, backed by the
corporate elite, were responsible for (s)electing Bush. Bush v Gore was just one of many decisions
that should raise questions whether the Supreme Court should be determining the direction of the country.
The Bush years were disastrous for the US on almost every criteria.
Thomas Frank wrote about it in his book:
The Wrecking Crew.
Russ Baker in his book, "Family of Secrets", is it that W , who had an unimpressive record of accomplishment, became President
? Like other books that do not reflect the official story, Baker's
book got scathing reviews, but his notes are extensive and his
publisher is first class.
Bush was
not particularly well qualified to be President. He is not a very good speaker, has
little interest in policy, had traveled little, had almost no military
experience, and had a mediocre record
in the private sector. As the son of
a former President who was the head of the CIA,
his placement in office not only created massive conflicts of interest
(see the Carlyle
Group), but allowed Bush the younger to shroud his father's records
in secrecy. His
record as President is the worst
ever...until Donald Trump, an even worse Republican.
Bush Sr as a former head of the CIA was
accomplished in techniques for winning elections,
and of course had major connections to the oil industry and US
military/industrial/media complex. The Bush family,
as Kevin
Phillips writes at length, has a tradition of putting its own
interests first.
Bush Jrs selection highlighted
long-standing corruption in US elections and a partisan Supreme Court. Election problems were
widely reported in the foreign press. The Congress gave the illusion of
action by passing the HAVA,
but it did little to actually clean up or improve elections.
Electing W to the Whitehouse caused
evangelicals great celebration. He told them God spoke to him. He defined the axis of evil
(making diplomacy impossible.) He cut the size of government, including FEMA,
and the result was plain to see with Katrina. He started a new crusade
in Iraq ( which had nothing to do with 9/11),
and little to do with Afghanistan
causing huge loss of life and massive drain of wealth. He claimed to
be above the law and so built a prison at Guantanamo, set up military
tribunals, renditions, torture. He was seen as a war criminal and
indicted, but never held accountable. From a world that admired the
U.S. we are now regarded as the worst terrorist state.
Middle East wars cost around $5 Trillion, which could have improved life at home a lot.
The Bush administration pushed hard
for a strong-man, imperial Presidency.
The Supreme Court deferred to him.
Like other empires in history, we are well on
our way to a dictatorship. We now seem to
appoint 'czars' whenever there is a serious problem.
U.S. Elections are sub-standard and do
little to change policy. Trump continued in the same way.
Corporate media ,especially Fox News, cheerled these things and they were
rewarded when Michael Powell pushed for still more media concentration.
According to former CIA Director William
Colby: "The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major
media." For whatever reason media never held
Bush or the Republicans accountable for their horrendous failures.
Remember how Reagan was Teflon-man ? Fox News
was complicit in spreading the lie that Iraq was complicit with the
attacks of 9/11 .
reliably favored the corporate interest
over everyone else's. Actually, the dictionary definition of fascism
is control of government by corporations.
We've got that. Bush populated US government with corporate cronies who
were determined to enrich themselves at the expense of most everybody
else. It appears that none of the US agencies serve the people any
longer. It is no surprise that the US is rapidly being deindustrialized
as jobs continue to hemorrhage to low-wage countries. As corporations
shed employee benefits, risk has been shifted to families, and everyone
is more insecure. The weapons industry appears to be the employer
of last resort for Americans, and automatically that translates to a
takeover by the military-industrial complex. (Ike warned us about that,
but media memory is very short or very selective.) James Risen in his
book, Pay Any Price, points out that war profiteers are too big to fail.
Regulatory agencies became captives of their industries.
This is obvious from the drug industry, meat packing, media,
environment and others. See pollution
notes. That is typical for Republicans.
Under Bush, US leadership was
incompetent, illiterate, self-serving, and criminal. Bush
did not listen to people who disagree with him, so we were condemned to
bad decisions at the highest levels of our government. Nixon era, Iran-Contra felons were brought back, Enron
refugees installed, right wing incompetents like Rumsfeld brought us
massively expensive, morally repugnant, bad decisions. Secrecy covered most of it so Congress could do no oversight. Instead, we
got an imperial Presidency and a pretext
for empire.
When Bush Jr took office, there was a real danger that peace
would break out. Bush was determined, according to Paul O'Neill
and the Downing Street memo, to invade Iraq from
the moment he took office. Francis Boyle writes in his book "Destroying
World Order- U.S. Imperialism in the Middle East Before and After
September 11. "It is now a matter of public record that
immediately after being inaugurated as president in January 2001,
George Bush, Jr., Vice-President Dick Cheney, Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld,
and his pro-Israeli 'Neoconservative' Deputy Paul Wolfowitz began to
plot, plan, scheme, and conspire to wage a war of aggression against
Iraq," Boyle writes. "Later, they manipulated the tragic events of September 11 in order to provide a pretext for
doing so. The fact that Iraq had nothing at all to do with September 11 or supporting Al-Qaeda
- as the CIA itself advised - made no difference to Rumsfeld,
Wolfowitz, their Undersecretary of War Douglas Feith, Undersecretary of
State John Bolton, and the numerous other pro-Israeli Neo-Cons
inhabiting the Bush, Jr. administration." The
Downing Street Memo demonstrated an intent to manipulate
'intelligence' to go to war, the Bush agenda was enabled by 9/11, and
Bush claimed "war powers" to justify an imperial presidency.
Although Bush was bad enough, Republicans managed to elect someone even worse: Trump
It appears the very structure of the republic is at risk.
Trump has highlighted many flaws in the Constitution.
It is very hard to change, but without serious reform
we may be headed for dystopia.
Bush, in his public statements, repeatedly mentioned Saddam and 9/11 in the
same breath, conflating the two and characterizing Saddam as an
immediate danger the the United States. He was capitalizing on fer and false hoods -
and his push for war was echoed and amplified nonstop by Fox News and
other right-wing media. A few weeks before the US invasion of Iraq
in March 2003, a Washington Postr poll fount that 70 percent of Americans
believed the false premise that Saddam was "pe4rsonally involved"
in the 9/11 attack.
American Psychosis, a Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy by David Corn<
pg 235
So we went to pointless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for decades.
Bush was also responsible for the universal surveillance being
carried out to this day that allows the NSA to sweep up all electronic
messaging. The Constitution has been shredded.
In the 1970's Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz made the case for
a Soviet Union that was ten feet tall and resulted in the Reagan's
trillion dollar arms bill. They duped us again. They twisted
'intelligence' to make a case
for war in Iraq and enriched themselves and their cronies
in the process. The War on Iraq was kept
off the books, while Social Security was assessed
as a financial problem. Bush tax cuts
were regressive and provided little economic stimulus. As a
result we have come closer to an aristocracy.
It is one of the hallmarks of a banana republic that while taxpayers accumulate
massive debt, an elite group enrich themselves. Again, as in the
Reagan years, they cooked the books to disguise the mountain of debt that has all but bankrupted
the US.
After 9/11 and a still unresolved
anthrax attack struck fear into the hearts of Americans, made it the pretext
for endless war, Republicans pushed through the Patriot Act, an assault
on the Bill of Rights. Contrary to the Constitution, W took it upon
himself to expand Presidential power, declared himself a war president
and argued that he is above the law. A subservient Congress and a
packed Supreme Court allowed this to
happen, but it is at the expense
of Constitutional government. Those checks and balances that we all
learned about have been seriously eroded. Like other republics in
history, we too are becoming an empire. We
will share their fate.
The W administration used 9/11 to push through an agenda that had been a
Neocon dream for decades: invading Iraq,
rolling back civil liberties, and
building a world dominating empire. The US
has become a leader in incarceration of its own people.
What do good Americans know ? They now
know that their government
wiretaps, tortures,
builds secret prisons, disappears people
worldwide using renditions and avoids the law by using facilities like Guantanamo. It
sweeps up every electronic communication whether
telephone, internet, social media, not to mention license plate
scanners, automobile software, financial transactions, video
surveillance, and, whether government or commercial all of this
data is summarized in unlimited databases. Unlike Europe, the US has
very weak privacy guards.
Bush not only
thought he was above the law, his administration thumbed its
nose at international
law: the Geneva Conventions, the International Criminal Court, and the UN.
He avoided Congressional oversight not only with the support of his own party, but by using hundreds
of signing statements. He claimed executive privilege just as
Richard Nixon did. He initiated bulk wiretaps illegally with the
collusion of telecom companies. He continued to push for further consolidation
of media to keep the right wing propaganda
machine spouting info-pollution into our homes. He had the most secretive administration in US history. People
are probably not informed enough to participate in a real democracy
any more. If you are not convinced, consult your television listings.
W presided over the most secretive
administration in history. A cloud of secrecy was scrupulously kept
over the investigation of 9/11, war profiteering, unauthorized
surveillance, and the justification for his endless war. Secrecy
covered up his unauthorized, illegal surveillance of Americans as well
as the torture and rendition committed in US
facilities (some secret)
around the world. His refusal to join the International Criminal Court
is no surprise. The American Bar Association accuses
President Bush, of violating both the Constitution and federal law. A President
above the law is a dictator, not just an insult
to the Constitution.
John Conyers (D., Mich.) released a staggering report with the
hard evidence of crimes and abuses committed by President Bush and his
administration (breaking 26 specific laws). This report, "The
Constitution in Crisis," should provide the raw material for numerous
news reports and point reporters toward fertile ground for additional
As Noam Chomsky points out in his book "Failed
States", Bush brought us closer to nuclear and environmental disaster, thumbed
his nose at international law, and
earned the hostility of most of the world. See the bibliography below
or books for more.
According to Seymour
Hersh, the US helped plan Israel's
invasion of Lebanon as a preliminary step to a possible pre-emptive
strike on Iran.
committed criminal acts and should be impeached. The Bush
Crimes Commission documents the evidence on wars of aggression,
detention and torture,
destruction of the global environment,
sabotage of global health programs, and the abandonment of New Orleans.
Twisting 'intelligence', war profiteering, pre-emptive war, and hiding
all of these crimes
behind a veil of secrecy by making them 'classified' are all high
crimes. See this link.
Guardian. The Abu Ghraib photographs awakened many in the US to the
abuses that lie beneath the rhetoric of
the global war on terror but
the institutions responsible have not taken the message on board. On
the day the Congressional report into 9/11 was published, another
document was quietly released - a military report that exonerated the
high command for the Abu Ghraib abuses. The implications go beyond Abu
Ghraib: without a repudiation of the administration's actions, there
will be no remedy for the even more sinister treatment of the unknown
number of prisoners not captured on camera - those who have been
kidnapped and disappeared by US forces across the world. See this link also.
Signing the Constitution Away By Eric
Alterman 03 May 2006 "Last Sunday, the Boston Globe’s Charlie Savage
broke a story that should be shocking to all of us had we not grown
inured to the casual contempt toward the Constitution that the Bush
administration deems to be its droite d’etat. ...Savage reported that,
'President [sic] Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more
than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the
power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts
with his interpretation of the Constitution.'"
The New York Times disclosure of an official National
Intelligence Estimate, which states that the Iraq invasion has worsened
the global terrorist threat, carries an unspoken subtext - that the
Bush administration is either woefully ignorant of how to combat
terrorism or finds the terrorist threat a useful tool for managing the
American public.
Just when they thought they were almost in the clear, House
Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers now says that President
George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney committed
impeachment-worthy offenses of which must be thoroughly
investigated even after the two men leave office as a means of
reaffirming U.S. constitutional principles. “The Bush
Administration’s approach to power is, at its core, little
more than a restatement of Mr. Nixon’s famous rationalization
of presidential misdeeds: ‘When the President does it,
that means it’s not illegal,’” Conyers said in a
foreword to a 487-page report entitled "Reining
in the Imperial Presidency: Lessons and Recommendations Relating to
the Presidency of George W. Bush." (1/15/2009)
There will be no Constitution if the President is allowed to
become a strong-man dictator. Even
though the Bush administration is out of office, impeachment is
still a requirement.
Ten Reasons to Impeach George Bush and
Dick Cheney
I ask Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President
Cheney for the following reasons:
1. Violating the United Nations Charter by launching an
illegal "War of Aggression" against Iraq without cause, using fraud to sell
the war to Congress and the public, misusing government funds to
begin bombing without Congressional authorization, and subjecting
our military personnel to unnecessary harm, debilitating injuries,
and deaths.
2. Violating U.S. and international law by authorizing the
torture of thousands of captives, resulting in dozens of deaths,
and keeping prisoners hidden from the International Committee of
the Red Cross.
3. Violating the Constitution by arbitrarily detaining
Americans, legal residents, and non-Americans, without due process,
without charge, and without access to counsel.
4. Violating the Geneva Conventions by targeting civilians,
journalists, hospitals, and ambulances, and using illegal weapons,
including white phosphorous, depleted uranium, and a new type of
5. Violating U.S. law and the Constitution through widespread
wiretapping of the phone calls and emails of Americans without a
6. Violating the Constitution by using "signing statements" to
defy hundreds of laws passed by Congress.
7. Violating U.S. and state law by obstructing honest
elections in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006.
8. Violating U.S. law by using paid propaganda and
disinformation, selectively and misleadingly leaking classified
information, and exposing the identity of a covert CIA operative
working on sensitive WMD proliferation for political
9. Subverting the Constitution and abusing Presidential power
by asserting a "Unitary Executive Theory" giving unlimited powers to
the President, by obstructing efforts by Congress and the Courts to
review and restrict Presidential actions, and by promoting and
signing legislation negating the Bill of Rights and the Writ of
Habeas Corpus.
10. Gross negligence in failing to assist New Orleans
residents after Hurricane Katrina, in ignoring urgent warnings of an Al Qaeda
attack prior to Sept. 11, 2001, and in increasing air pollution
causing global warming.
A constitutional lawyer who served in Ronald Reagan's
administration says President Bush's "apparently criminal"
authorization of a warrantless wiretapping program is grounds for
the House to begin an impeachment inquiry. (Continued.)
John Conyers (D., Mich.) released a staggering report with the
hard evidence of crimes and abuses committed by President Bush and
his administration (breaking 26 specific laws). This report,
Constitution in Crisis," should provide the raw material for
numerous news reports and point reporters toward fertile ground for
additional investigations. Have a look at
Francis Boyle:
"The Athenians lost their Democracy. The Romans lost their
Republic. And if we Americans did not act now we could lose our
Republic! The United States of America is not immune to the laws of
Thoughtful persons inside and out of Congress have called
for Bush II’s impeachment. Lewis Lapham, editor of Harper’s
Magazine, observed: “We have before us in the White House a
thief who steals the country’s good name and reputation for
his private interest and personal use, a liar who seeks to instill
in the American people a state of fear, a televangelist who engages
the United States in a never-ending crusade against all the
world’s evils, a wastrel who squanders a vast sum of the
nation’s wealth on what turns out to be a recruiting drive
certain to multiply the host of our enemies. In a word, a
criminal—known to be armed and shown to be dangerous.”
Lapham said, “I don’t know why we would run the risk in
not impeaching the man.”
Rep. John Lewis (D., Ga.) reminded us that Bush II is not king,
and that he would sign a bill of impeachment if he had a chance.
John Dean, who had hands-on personal experience with impeachable
offenses during the Nixon administration, said that “Bush is
the first president to admit to an impeachable offense,”
referring to Bush’s admission that he ordered the bugging of
citizens without a warrant, and John Conyers Jr. (D., Mich.) has
introduced a bill to investigate the administration for possible
From Gerry Spence's book: Bloodthirsty Bitches
and Pious Pimps of Power
Case for Impeachment: The Legal Arguments for Removing
President George W. Bush from Office” by Barbara Olshansky
and David Lindorff, hour one of two hour public forum, New
Haven, 6/ 24/ 2006.
Where Are the Checks, Balances?
"Bush has been 'making it up' for too long, and the people have let
him," says Keith Olbermann. "And whatever your motives of the moment,
we the people have, in true good faith and with the genuine patriotism
of self-sacrifice (of which you have shown you know nothing), we have
let you go on making it up as you went along. Unchecked and unbalanced."
Takeover: the Return of the Imperial Presidency and the Subversion of American
Democracy. Charlie Savage (winner of the Pulitzer Prize)
At the end of this chilling volume Savage offers a concise and powerful
conclusion: "The expansive presidential powers
claimed and exercised by the Bush-Cheney White House are now an
immutable part of American history — not controversies but facts. The
importance of such precedents is difficult to overstate. As Supreme
Court Justice Robert Jackson once warned, any new claim of executive
power, once validated into precedent, 'lies about like a loaded weapon
ready for the hand of any authority that can bring forward a plausible
claim of an urgent need. Every repetition embeds that principle more
deeply in our law and thinking and expands it to new purposes.' "Sooner
or later, there will always be another urgent need."
In case you don't know, on January 19 the latest audiotape
from Osama bin Laden was released and in it he declared: "If you
[Americans] are sincere in your desire for peace and security, we
have answered you. And if Bush decides to carry on with his lies
and oppression, then it would be useful for you to read the book
‛Rogue State', which states in its introduction ... " He then
goes on to quote the opening of a paragraph I wrote (which appears
actually in the Foreword of the British edition only, that was
later translated to Arabic), which in full reads:
If I were the president, I could stop terrorist attacks
against the United States in a few days. Permanently. I would first
apologize -- very publicly and very sincerely -- to all the widows
and the orphans, the impoverished and the tortured, and all the
many millions of other victims of American imperialism. I would
then announce that America’s global interventions --
including the awful bombings -- have come to an end. And I would
inform Israel that it is no longer the 51st state of the union but
-– oddly enough -– a foreign country. I would then
reduce the military budget by at least 90% and use the savings to
pay reparations to the victims and repair the damage from the many
American bombings and invasions. There would be more than enough
money. Do you know what one year of the US military budget is equal
to? One year. It’s equal to more than $20,000 per hour for
every hour since Jesus Christ was born.
"That’s what I’d do on my first three days in the
White House. On the fourth day, I’d be assassinated."
George W. Bush versus the U.S. Constitution,
The Downing Street Memos and Deception, Manipulation, Torture,
Retribution, and Coverups in the Iraq War and Illegal Domestic Spying. Compiled under the direction of John Conyers
Introduction by Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson
F. Kennedy Jr., Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His
Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy,
ISBN 0-06-074687-4