"Rupert Murdoch and Fox News are fiercely dedicated to a
political project that will eliminate trade unions, abolish and/or commercialize
public education, increase economic inequality and the power of
billionaires and big business, ignore and aggravate the environmental
crisis that threatens human existence, promote endless wars and
militarism, governance by and for the rich, a corrupt judicial system,
and elections that go to the highest (anonymous) bidders. Above all,
Murdoch champions the elimination of independent journalism. All the
institutions that make for a credible modern democracy are in his
crosshairs." Robert McChesney
Pew found that most staunch conservatives were
regular viewers of Fox News, preferring the network to any other news
source. Fox has helped to ingrain the idea that Republicanism and religiousity
are embattled and oppressed, fighting for survival against the forces
of secular extremists. There was, for instance the Fox News-fabricated
"War on Christmas" and its fight against the "Happy Holidays Syndrome". The face of the
the networks defense-of-Christmas crusade has been the "Killing Jesus"
co-author Bill O'Reilly, who this season declared a victory. In December, he said
on his show: "It isn't a mythical war on Christmas. It's real, and we just won." Charles
Blow NYT 1/2/2014
"...during the three weeks period before the election
when three of the four major conservative commentators - Charles Krauthhammer,
Jonah Goldberg and George Will - raised their voices in unison
objecting to the scientific findings concerning global warming. They, of course, are all
on the payroll of the Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox News, and perhaps it was simply a coincidence
that it came shortly after a similar push by the Murdoch papers in England."
Tom Anderson, Hartford Courant 1/2/2015
I’m up here in Halifax Nova Scotia tonight, and you know what they have here? Universal health care and no Fox News. Do you know why? No other countries consider Fox News a news source.
Fox News journalists admitted in court that they didn’t believe the lies they told on air,
but they said they had to lie because that’s what the audience wanted to hear.
Of course Rupert Murdoch supported Trump, who lies a lot.
Republicans believe the lies. Not just that the 2020 election was stolen,
but even bigger lies that government should not rule, the market should.
Science denial caused many more pandemic
deaths in Republican counties than in democratic ones.
Big money funded GOP climate denial, and cheerleading for fossil fuel extraction.
Fox broadcast those too.
When the United States invaded Iraq, a New York Times/CBS
News survey estimated that 42 percent of the American public believed
that Saddam Hussein was directly responsible for the September 11th
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. And an ABC News
poll said that 55 percent of Americans believed that Saddam Hussein
directly supported Al Qaida. None of this opinion is based on
evidence (because there isn't any). All of it is based on
insinuation, auto-suggestion, and outright lies circulated by the
U.S. corporate media, otherwise known as the "Free Press," that
hollow pillar on which contemporary American democracy rests. Arundhati
Roy Presented in New York City at The Riverside Church May 13,
"...Roger Ailes has been at the forefront of a political
culture that seeks to divide our country. On the Nixon and Bush campaigns,
he worked to fragment America along racial lines. Now at Fox, he
has continued that effort, in addition to dividing us by party and
ideology, Balkanizing our nation makes it practically impossible
for our leaders to work together. There could be no compromise on
the health care bill because Republicans feared an attack from Fox.
There can be no working together to solve the climate crisis
because Fox has convinced its audience that global warming does not
exist. Republicans felt compelled to push our nation to the edge of
default because they feared the reaction of their Fox News-watching
base." The
Fox Effect: How Roger Ailes turned a Network into a Propaganda
Machine: David Brock, Ari Rabin-Havt (pg 284)
“Now, keep in mind, these Fox News hosts pushed the big election lie for months leading up to January 6th. Then when their obedient viewers stormed the Capitol, they acted all surprised.” — @StephenAtHomehttps://t.co/y31syMFAoy
Rupert Murdoch is happy with it – his Fox News mouthpieces outdid themselves in barbaric crassness: making animal noises at the mention of a Down syndrome child, describing crying children as actors. They went the whole swinish hog: even the brown babies are liars. Those sobs of anguish are typical of the manipulative behaviour of the strangers coming to infest us – should we not fear a race whose very infants can be so devious? Second, the hardcore fans loved it: 58 per cent of Republicans are in favour of this brutality.
Trump’s overall approval ratings are up to 42.5 per cent.
Fintan O’Toole: Trial runs for fascism are in full flow
Disinformation divides our military and makes us less safe. Tonight, VoteVets is running this ad calling for Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham to be removed from military installation TVs. The ad will run during those shows, on cable systems serving those very TVs. pic.twitter.com/wsdXV6tghf
Jane Mayer Retweeted The New Yorker: Fox News HAD the story of Trumps hush money payoffs to Stormy Daniels BEFORE the election but killed it because the reporter said she was told,
"Good reporting Kiddo, but Rupert Murdoch wants Donald Trump to win. So set it aside." Reporter sued, is bound by an NDA.
On this happy day on which Rupert Murdoch has announced his retirement, let us reflect on the fact that no single individual has done more damage to Western democracy or more for the intellectual and moral decay of our society during the past half century than Rupert. Good…
That may sound a bit apocalyptic, but you have to admit, we are getting dumber. And it is also demonstrable that dumb people are easier to control than smart people, those who ask questions. So does it make sense, therefore, that those who seek to control might wish to
deliberately seek out ways to make and keep people dumber?
Fox News Has a First Amendment Right to Lie – Updated
As Tucker shifts his Hungary coverage into praising-its-direction mode, here’s a reminder that the Right wants desperately to recreate Orbán’s authoritarian shift, rig elections, crackdown on opponents, and realize a one-party system.https://t.co/omfMoJYIh8
"...during the three weeks period before the election
when three of the four major conservative commentators - Charles Krauthhammer,
Jonah Goldberg and George Will - raised their voices in unison
objecting to the scientific findings concerning global warming. They, of course, are all
on the payroll of the Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox News, and perhaps it was simply a coincidence
that it came shortly after a similar push by the Murdoch papers in England."
Tom Anderson, Hartford Courant 1/2/2015
Great thread from @nancylevine on Rupert Murdoch & his Evil Empire.
Murdoch has made his fortune by cynically—& dangerously—stoking hatred, fear, division, xenophobia, sexism, racism, war, & science denial.
He has caused more harm than virtually any other human on the planet.👇🏻 https://t.co/i1WxHF62GU
Again, I encourage everyone with older loved ones addicted to Fox News to set up the parental controls on their television to add a password or block the channel. Cut off the flow of poison and outrage.
In this clip, Fox Nation’s Tammy Bruce claims Trump supporters voted for President Donald Trump because they wanted “normal” light bulbs.Trump claims that newer, more energy-efficient light bulbs make him appear orange. https://t.co/iEKtJZEkb3
The billions Rupert Murdoch has made are only a fraction of what he has cost American democracy. But he did get one thing right: America IS watching. And we've seen enough. pic.twitter.com/oYsToDWolR
If you have cable, you can get Fox of off of it. Go to unfoxmycablebox. com. Please retweet and spread it around. We all need to pressure #FoxNews. #UNFOXMYCABLEBOX
NEW: Emails we uncovered show Trump administration officials revising Fox News tweets and Fox News rewriting stories to suit the administration’s whims. That isn’t journalism, it’s propaganda. https://t.co/FMGB97wS09
My MAGA mom just told me Ilhan Omar is married to her brother. She heard it on FOX. No matter what I said, facts, proof, she refused to believe me. Thanks FOX for ruining my relationship with my mother!
...Rupert Murdoch´s sons, who were increasingly in control of their father´s
company --- had begun to believe that the Fox audience was beginning to age out,
with its anti-gay-marriage, anti-abortion, anti-immigrant social message, which seemed too
hoary for younger Republicans, along came Breitbart News.
FIRE AND FURY, Inside the Trump White House: Michael Wolff
I hear Murdoch’s media is not allowed in Canada, New Zealand, Britain ?
Listening to Fox you won’t hear about the climate crisis, but lately Russian propaganda.
No doubt Fox is somewhat responsible for misinformation, polarization, and the election of Trump.
Why is Murdoch media allowed in the US ?
"...during the three weeks period before the election
when three of the four major conservative commentators - Charles Krauthhammer,
Jonah Goldberg and George Will - raised their voices in unison
objecting to the scientific findings concerning global warming. They, of course, are all
on the payroll of the Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox News, and perhaps it was
simply a coincidence that it came shortly after a similar push by the Murdoch papers in
England." Tom Anderson, Hartford Courant 1/2/2015
We should not overlook how profoundly troubling it is that Attorney General William Barr is meeting with Fox CEO Rupert Murdoch, @TheRickWilson writes. https://t.co/sQNozgGNC6
Acosta: The reason why federal investigators and millions of Americans are terrified by right wing violence is because it keeps happening and Tucker Carlson is inciting more of it… The Murdoch family is cashing in as American democracy is being set ablaze pic.twitter.com/fnD4QzMvCD
"any time you run an organization where more people believe
the president is a Muslim than believe in evolution, that's a problem" John Stewart comment to Bill
O'Reilly. (quote from The
Outrage Industry: Jeffrey M. Berry and Sarah Sobieraj)
We made a $184,854 TV buy with this ad on Fox News this week. Fox News just denied airing our ad. Retweet and get it out in every corner of the country. pic.twitter.com/EBz1G2paLv
When I've been on Fox News, the production assistants who led me through backstage confided they were making min wage and struggling to get by in NYC. I asked the hosts (who make seven figures and laughed at me on air) to talk about their workers' pay on air. They always said no.
Rupert Murdoch owns a worldwide media
empire of newspapers, radio, satellite, and television channels
including Fox. He employs many of the most
strident ’personalities’ delivering
misinformation: Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah
Palin, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich are highly paid Fox
News political analysts. So are Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity. These
are the people that initiated and nurtured the tea party movement. Murdoch employees
@TuckerCarlson took his wildly popular show to Hungary to praise an authoritarian leader. He asked why the US should side w/Ukraine over Russia. Now he is on a bizarre crusade to promote increased masculinity through testicle tanning.
have lost sight of the
fundamental Constitutional principle that concentrated power is a
threat whether
public or private. They have allowed Rupurt Murdoch to
all but take over their party even though he has been found unfit
to run a major international company
Almost every Republican Presidential contender has been on the
Fox payroll.
PIPA polls determined that Fox
Newslisteners have more
misconceptions than any other network. Lately they
seem to be calling for armed insurrection.
Fox News "War games" the Coming Civil War
Murdoch, the owner of Fox News, at an annual meeting
of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland admitted
that his news operation tried to lead America into the war in Iraq. See below, they want war with
Iran as well.
since 2007 when Murdoch said climate change
“poses clear, catastrophic threats,” Murdoch and his
media operations “have become the nation’s leading
source of disinformation about climate change.” From
Rolling Stones
Fox supports the regressive corporate (Republican)
agenda that rewards the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. It
is NOT ‘conservative’.
The point of the Republican agenda is
to motivate people to act against their own interest, allowing
wealth to concentrate even further in our controlling corporate oligarchy. Roger Ailes, a Murdoch employee, runs
the show at Fox. See
Roger Ailes: the Real Head of the GOP (1/18/2010)
The financial sector spun out of control, industry moved
offshore, bankruptcies soared, but Fox opposes remedies. Health care in the US is twice as
expensive as anywhere else, offers little choice, produces
outcomes only slightly better than Cuba's, leaves many without
service, and is a major cause of bankruptcy, but Fox opposes
change. Climate decline
is a major threat to the next generations, but Fox denies the
Despite declining wages, longer working hours, less time
off, and shrinking benefits, Fox, facilitating the Walmartization of America, opposes
Keith Olbermann: "...imagine
if William Randolph Hearst had owned a cable television network.
The first admission from the evil overlord of Fox, Rupert
Murdoch, that his news operation tried to lead America into the
war in Iraq. Mr. Murdoch‘s remarkable confession coming at
... annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, in
Switzerland." (Countdown with Keith Olbermanntranscript)
[Editor's note: An essential update to the now-classic
KristolOutside the White
House itself, no single person has championed the Iraq War with more
determination than Dan Quayle's brainPNAC's
co-founder Rupert Murdoch's mouth William
That means the blood of over 3,000 American soldiers and
655,000 Iraqi civilians is pouring off his hands.
Of course, Kristol's record isn't just bloody, it's filled
with innumerable lies, as Media
Matters has documented.
"It's almost too ridiculous to believe, but it's shockingly
real. We've already compiled over 4 hours of FOX footage just in
the last few months... the same images, sound effects, yelling and
threatening that led the U.S. to invade Iraq
is happening right now to sell a war with Iran.
They are saying the exact same things!! Here
is the video evidence, side-by-side with what they said about
who foment human rights abuse, violence, or war should lose their
license. Until that happens, we can
boycott their advertisers.
If you listen to Fox
News, or most talk radio, you are
getting Republican propaganda,
misinformation, hate speech, and other distractions that
include considerable spam (advertising). Since it is all
corporate, by now you are used to it.
Republicans sponsored a huge scam on America. Their
regressive agenda, virulently anti-union, pushed wages down, made
pensions a thing of the past, fostered predatory lending for almost
everyone, found nothing wrong with obscene CEO salaries or taxpayer
funded bonuses for failed banks, made healthcare a profiteering
industry, and even attempted to privatize Social Security. The result of
deregulation, privatization, tax cuts for the wealthy has been a
new gilded age, a huge downsizing of the middle
class, a financial sector that devoured
the rest of the economy then pretty much collapsed, and made
the US military larger than the rest of the world's combined. Most Corporations paid NO taxes though,
and they were free to use the environment
as their very own
Fox, News Corp, and other right-wing media
not only enabled the disaster, they continue
to sell the regressive
Republican agenda. It has made a lot of people poor for the
benefit of a very wealthy few. (It's called corruption and is one
of the symptoms of a banana republic.) When Corporations control the government, that
the very definition of fascism. This may
be a Weimar
Fox hosts make it clear they are
simply against unions. When they insist that union bosses - not
employers - are intimidating workers, or when they declare that
unions that drive up wages and benefits are harmful for Big
Business, it's clear whose side they're on - and it's not the
American worker's.
Fox hosts make it clear they are
simply against unions. When they insist that union bosses - not
employers - are intimidating workers, or when they declare that
unions that drive up wages and benefits are harmful for Big
Business, it's clear whose side they're on - and it's not the
American worker's.
Democratic party leaders wisely decided that Fox is incapable
of hosting a Presidential debate. Anyway, based on their
prior performance, media should be kept off the stage in any
candidate debates. Private, for-profit electioneering
is corrosive of the political
Thanks to the terrific work of the News Hounds, we bring you
Fox and ole' Billy O'Reilly attacking decency. Yes, you read that
right. The self-righteous, pompous, bloviators who deign to lecture
on how we should behave in our personal lives, are in fact
exploiting women, pandering to the lowest common denominator and
pushing smut out on the airwaves on a daily basis! Watch the
video: https://foxattacks.com/decency?utm_source=rgemail