International LawWho Speaks for the World? (4/5/2022)Crackpot U.S. Senator Threatens to Invade Netherlands over ICC Warrants against Israel’s Netanyahu (11/23/2024)Universal Declaration of Human Rights...In the past, when humanity lived in more than one hundred countries, it was like living in more than 100 boats. All we needed were rules to ensure that the boats did not collide. Each boat had a captain or crew to take care of it. Today, with the shrinking of the world, 7 billion people live in 193 cabins on the same boat. We have captains and crews taking care of each cabin. But we have no captain or crew taking care of the boat as a whole. Kishore Mahbubani: the Great Convergence "I know very well that a world government may have both good and bad qualities. Nonetheless, it is the only conceivable machinery which can prevent war. I do not believe that a world government would be just in all its decisions; but with technology at its present level, even a poor world government is preferable to none, since our first goal must be to avoid total destruction through war." (1948) Einstein on Politics, Rowe and Schulmann. Pg 455.
International Policy Research and Evaluation International Center for Not for Profit Law International Rescue Committee Center for Peace Studies Videos Lectures by Francis Boyle. "The UN Charter is a treaty ratified by the United States and thus part of US law," Cohn, who is also a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law and recently co-authored the book "Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent" said, "Under the charter, a country can use armed force against another country only in self-defense or when the Security Council approves. Neither of those conditions was met before the United States invaded Afghanistan. The Taliban did not attack us on 9/11. Nineteen men - 15 from Saudi Arabia - did, and there was no imminent threat that Afghanistan would attack the US or another UN member country. The council did not authorize the United States or any other country to use military force against Afghanistan. The US war in Afghanistan is illegal." Afghanistan: Where Empires Go to Die
"In the United States, the Senate report on torture in the context of counter-terrorism operations is courageous and commendable, but profoundly disturbing. For a country that believes so strongly in human rights to have swiftly abandoned their fundamentals at a time of crisis is as astonishing as it is deplorable... Under international law, the report’s recommendations must be followed through with real accountability. There is no prescription for torture, and torture cannot be amnestied. It should also lead to examination of the institutional and political causes that led the US to violate the absolute prohibition on torture, and measures to ensure this can never recur." U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights. (3/5/2015) "The pursuit of unilateralism has not only done lasting damage to American credibility, but it has also split the West and undermined virtually every major global institution devoted to advancing the rule of law, beginning with the United Nations and reaching down to the latest creation, the International Criminal Court." (from Geoffrey Perret's book 'Commander in Chief') "A large majority of the public believe that the United States should accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the World Court, sign the Kyoto protocols, allow the United Nations to take the lead in international crises, and rely on diplomatic and economic measures more than military ones in the "war on terror." Similar majorities believe the United States should resort to force only if there is "strong evidence that the country is in imminent danger of being attacked," thus rejecting the bipartisan consensus on "preemptive war" and adopting the rather conventional interpretation of the UN Charter reiterated by the U N's lead even if it in not the preference of US state managers."....Not only does the US government stand apart from the rest of the world on many crucial issues, but even from its own population." From Noam Chomsky's book Failed States. (pg 229) "American policymakers disdain for multilateralism manifested itself when John Bolton, who notoriously stated that there was "no such thing" as the UN, was appointed the American ambassador to the UN in 2005." Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience. therefore [individual citizens] have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring." : Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal, 1950 "The U.S, tried to use the UN Security Council to undermine the International Criminal Court but it came into force in 2011. 116 states were parties to the Statute of the Court, including all of South America, nearly all of Europe, and roughly half of Africa. The ICC came into force on July 1,2002, and has progressively gained legitimacy and acceptance all around the world." Kishore Mahbubani: the Great Convergence. pg 138 The only two countries that did not ratify the Convention on the rights of the child are the US and Somalia. A UN report documents the terrible violence against children that globally obtains today. "Every country in the world with the exception of two (Somalia and ... the United States) has ratified the International Convention on the Rights of the Child." By not just refusing to endorse the new UN treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons but also to even participate in the negotiations that led up to its adoption, the Trump administration has undermined the United States’ moral standing in the world and jeopardized its national security by doing nothing to diminish the prospects of a nuclear war." Lawrence J. Korb (7/10/2017) Biden lifts outrageous US Sanctions on Int’l Criminal Court; now it should Join Treaty of Rome on Human Rights (04/04/2021)
Justice for Ukraine and the U.S. Government’s Anomalous Int’l Criminal Court Policy (3/8/2022)US rejects calls for regulating or banning ‘killer robots’ (12/2/2021)The US should support the ICC and hold ourselves to international standards. (3/21/2019)Bolton threatens sanctions against International Criminal Court (9/10/2018)US 'threatens ICC judges with sanctions' (9/10/2018)The Panama Papers: what's been revealed so far? (4/7/2016)