the political vision that ties them together... gatherings in Northern California,
where agri-business men team up with pastors who have direct access to the Trump White House;
to North Carolina, where Christian nationalist leaders recruit clergy to their partisan activism; to Arizona, where charter school operators with sectarian agendas are indoctrinating schoolchildren on the taxpayer’s dime; and to Verona, Italy, where American representatives of what they call a “global conservative movement” gather with international far-right leaders to declare war on global liberalism. We will revisit the strategy meetings of the late 1970s in which it was decreed, several years after Roe v. Wade,
that abortion would be packaged and sold as the unifying issue of the movement.
The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism, KATHERINE STEWART
If you think our problem is simply
that the Koch brothers have constructed a shadow Republican Party that
plans to raise and spend $889 million or so to elect a conservative
president in 2016, then you have missed the proverbial forest for
a single tree. Their network of super-wealthy conservatives is
underwriting efforts to remake America's state legislatures,
universities, law schools, think tanks, public-television
stations, and even its museums. The nearly $150 million that Sheldon
Adelson spent in 2012 (according to Mayer) is chump change compared
with the Kochtopus's overall expenditures." Eric Alterman
Sarah Churchwell ... in her book Behold, America (2018).
The first widely disseminated use of “American dream,” ... appeared in the New York Post in 1900.
It was a warning about the threat posed by super-rich tycoons to the very existence of the American
system of government. “Discontented multimillionaires,” it warned, form the “greatest risk” to “every republic.”
All previous republics, it noted, had been “overthrown by rich men”
and this could happen too in America, where the tycoons were “deriding the constitution,
unrebuked by the executive or by public opinion.” If they had their way “it would be the end of the American dream.” ...The American republic has come close to being overthrown by a discontented multimillionaire. Biden failed to say with sufficient force that America needed not to go from nightmare to dream, but to wake up to the urgent meaning of that threat.”
The New York Review of Books 12/3/2020 “Democracy’s Afterlife”
Moms For Liberty is not truly a grassroots org. It is operated by comms professionals and seasoned political operatives. They are connected to the Koch Bro's Council for National Policy, a secretive network of right-wing billionaires and Christian fundamentalist leaders. 1/2
The scheme to capture the Court has the hallmarks of a covert intelligence operation run by a hostile country - dark money funders, anonymous advertising & enormous pay packages for its cronies. But this is a covert operation run against Americans by Americans.
Right now, Leonard Leo, his right-wing donors (to the tune of at least $1.6 BILLION), and their dark-money apparatus are devising the next phases of their Scheme.
... Some of the world´s largest corporations and richest people have organized and supported
front groups whose role is to slag climate science and resist regulation, just as they did in response to the science that laid the foundation for
regulating lead, asbestos, smoking and other toxic substances and behaviors. They pursue this strategy because
it works. Delayed regulation translates into greater profits, and no one goes to jail for lying to the American public about the
risks of greenhouse gas emissions, smoking or toxic chemicals. Even if in the end
there are fines to pay and reputational costs to bear, they typically amount to
something more like a tax on profits rather than serious disincentives to engage in the behavior in the first place.
Reason in a Dark Time, Why the Struggle against Climate Change Failed and What It Means For Our Future: Dale Jamieson
This chart says it all.
If we’re going to save American democracy, we must stop billionaires from buying elections.
Cruz, Bannon, Mercer, DeVos, the Conways... all of the above & more knew, they, the #CouncilForNationalPolicy & #KochNetwork all worked to "ensure" his election.
We can if we eradicate #KochNetwork#CNP people from ALL levels of government AND break up their #ALEC groups. The healthcare issues begins & ends with the #RightWing GOP's relentless desire to kill access to healthcare.... and much more including Public ed.
— Helen _#ElectionDefender_ (@Cruellaisdevine) December 28, 2020
[polluters] success has been largely the result of an
unholy marriage between polluting industries and the
radical right – an alliance conceived by Colorado brewer Joseph Coors.
In 1976, Coors, owner of one of Colorado’s biggest polluters
, founded the Mountain States Legal Foundation (MSLF) to challenge
environmental laws.... Coors also founded the right-wing Heritage
Foundation, which has provided the philosophical underpinning of the
anti-environmental movement. p. 25 Reagan’s victory gave the
Heritage Foundation and the MSLF a national arena for their radical
agenda. Heritage became known as Reagan’s “shadow government.”....
[Damage done during Reagan Administration - Coors picked head of EPA
Anne Gorsuch who cut EPA budget 30% and destroyed Superfund program,
and James Watt, president of MSLF, to be Secretary of Interior; growth of pseudo grassroots
organizations specializing in “greenwashing
”. Anti-environmentalists hooked up with Pat Robertson
’s Christian Coalition in early 1990s. Helped Bush to victory." Crimes
Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His
Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy,
Robert F. Kennedy (2004)
See the clip of my speech showing how dark money front group went from Court capture to voter suppression and has set up for critical race theory — same entity behind “fictitious names.”
"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service
and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big
Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer,
a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico
safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a
decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I
helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the
benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International
Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the
Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped
make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China
in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way
unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few
hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three
districts. I operated on three continents." General Smedley Butler
quoted in The
Plot to Seize the White House by Jules Archer
Billionaire Lauder gives $1 million to GOP group backing state election deniers - CNBC How about a cosmetics company giving a million dollars to subjugate WOMEN? I would never buy Estrie Lauder products….
It’s time we state facts: DJT is a front for a transnational criminal syndicate; it will all come out & Americans will be shocked; Trump-Epstein-Greenberg-Bear Stearns- DeutscheBank-Mossad & FSB; not to mention characters on periphery like Maxwell-Barak-Junkermann-Blatter et al
Trump's attorney, Jay Sekulow, is a member of the Council for National Policy, along w/ the Cambridge Analytica cabal (KellyAnne, Bannon, the Mercers). The families of two of the CNP's early members provided initial funding for voting machine vendor ES&S.
"Our political system has been massively warped by a handful of radical extremely wealthy learning to use their wealth
to influence and dominate our political system.
They have created permanent institutions — Heritage, Cato, AEI, Hoover and others — designed for the specific purpose of furthering the plutocratic agenda."
What's missing from our national narrative:
The Republican Party is organized crime
"The most obvious criticism of the New Overclass is that
their political machine is undemocratic. Using subversive techniques
once aimed at communists, and with all the money they ever need to
succeed, the Overclass undemocratically controls our government,
our media, and even a growing part of academia. These institutions
in turn allow the Overclass to control the supposedly "free"
market. It doesn't win all the time, of course — witness Bill
Clinton's impeachment trial — but it does score an endless
string of other victories elsewhere, all to the detriment of
workers, consumers, women, minorities and the poor. We need to
fight it with everything we've got." Steve
Kangas (an outspoken critic of Scaife,
believed that Scaife-funded initiatives posed a danger to the nation, found shot dead found dead
less than 60 feet (18 m) from Scaife's office.)
RFK: The "Gang of Five" foundations that are huge
repositories of
industrial polluter money [the John.M Olin Foundation, the Sarah Scaife
Foundation, the Castle Rock Foundation, the Charles G. Koch Charitable
Foundation, and the Bradley Foundation] have been used to create think
tanks, to recruit phony scientists that we call “biostitutes” and to
fund politicians in order to undermine and subvert those environmental
laws that were passed after Earth Day: the Endangered Species Act, the
Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act. Industry was kind of caught
off-guard by Earth Day and the legislative barrage that followed. But
since then, they’ve mobilized to regain control of the public trust
assets. And really, the best measure of how a democracy is functioning
is how it allocates the goods of the land, the public trust assets.
Does it maintain the air and water under control of the people for the
benefit of the public, or does it allow those assets to be privatized
by politically powerful entities? from an
interview with Mother Jones 10/7/2004
Lets say you are listening to Rush on talk
radio. Here's what you should know: Rush has a contract for
hundreds of millions of dollars from Clear Channel which just about
offsets the savings from Clear Channels layoffs. Clear Channel is
actually losing a lot of money, but it owns hundreds of radio
stations and it is a giant megaphone for Rush. Bain Capital, Mitt
Romney's Company has a major ownership share of Clear Channel. The message is Republican
and it is aggressive. It certainly
is not in your interest unless you are in a very high income
bracket...but, long-term, not even then. Have you thought of that
If jobs are scarce, your pension has disappeared, your healthcare insurance is unaffordable, college tuition is out of sight, your home may
be foreclosed, the happy talk from broadcasters will tell you about the Republican YOYO
agenda (Your On Your Own). If they can sell you that, they can
privatize Social Security and
that too would be a very large heist. Thanks to heavy insurance and pharma funding, they oppose any attempt
to reform health care. Republicans tried many times to
overturn the Affordable Care Act with no plan to replace it.
Talk radio will tell you that you
better arm yourself while you can so that you
can defend yourself when the time comes. It is inciting to violence against a government that it
does not like. Oh...and torture is fine.
They laughingly propose waterboarding select Democrats. Ha Ha. Bush
is a hero.
They say history does not repeat itself, but it rhymes. Talk radio would rather you didn't know your
history because here is what you would notice: Republicans have always been about
rewarding the wealthy at the expense of the rest
of us. It is the party of the oligarchy. When Republicans bring
us to a gilded age and most of the people are struggling, but a
very few are obscenely wealthy, then there is a financial
collapse. It has happened before in the same way, but they don't want you to remember. That's why they are
anti-intellectual. In order to avoid the cost of pollution, they
deny global warming even though
the science is settled. In order to satisfy
the religious
right, part of the base, they deny evolution.
The Republican war on science no doubt
has caused a deterioration of education in the US. They
are a lot like the Taliban. Have a beer
with Sarah Palin and maybe you'll forget
all that.
To be sure you forget the past, broadcasters
serve plenty of advertising, celebrity
news, Michael Jackson, the octomom, crime programs that leave you
in fear, almost no real journalism. They will tell you this is
'fair and balanced'. It's not just that
broadcasters have dumbed down the culture,
it is actually the largest scam ever.
So what would you expect ? We forgot the lessons of the
great depression, WWII, and did away with the Glass-Steagle Act (which
separated investment banking from savings banks.) If companies are
too big to fail, they need oversight to protect the interest of
taxpayers (who are actually getting caught with the tab.)
Derivatives and other risky activities need full disclosure so that
we know just how much trouble we're in. (We don't.) Yes
Republicans, deregulation is a bad
idea. Since the oligarchy that owns the media
is powerful, it is unlikely we can get the
reform we need or meet looming challenges. The
financial sector needs regulation so that it cannot again spin out of control.
What you have sacrificed for is a military
that is larger than the rest of the
world's combined. It is defending corporate
interests world wide. War is profitable. The
rest of the world is not happy about it, so you are likely not safer.
The definition of fascism is government controlled by corporations. Talk radio will tell you
that the market is a much better way to determine policy than a
democratically elected government. Republicans
might then tell you they care about the Constitution, but they
think the 'market' should decide...and they don't like government.
Especially since Reagan's
Presidency, organized labor has been
under assault, the wealthy have gamed the system and produced a new
gilded age, and the funders have taken over US government. That is a fascist coup.
The fascists don't care about the people or even
the planet. We are likely doomed.
There is an organizational structure to this “Christian” nationalist assault. It’s international, & includes training. The CNP is the top of the pyramid. Bannon, Mike Flynn, Ali Alexander, Charlie Kirk, Blackwell, Cleta Mitchell, KA = recent members. 1/
Provocative to say the least. Using materials
familiar to researchers, Dark
Legacy makes a series of tantalizing connections
between the rich and powerful to suggest that Kennedy was brought down
by a vast web of powerful conservatives and that George H.W.Bush was close to all of
them. Hankey invites viewers not only to draw their own conclusions but
also to check out his sources." -- Kevin Thomas Los Angeles