“Liberalism is an evolving political practice that makes the case for the necessity and possibility of (imperfectly) egalitarian social reform and ever greater (if not absolute) tolerance of human difference through reasoned and (mostly) unimpeded conversation, demonstration, and debate.”
Adam Gopnik’s book: A Thousand Small Sanities.
British liberalism might aptly be termed "the revolt of
reason," as its followers sought to wean the nation from its
reliance on the twin powers of the church and the Crown. from Eric
Alterman's "Why We're Liberal"
"Finland, the highest ranked country for the fifth year in a row,
has one of the strongest social safety nets in the world, an exceptional education system, and low childhood poverty,
according to the Sustainable Governance Indicators report by the Bertelsmann Foundation. The country also prioritizes work-life balance, allowing people to shape more of their time according to their own passions and curiosities.
With that in mind, here are the 10 happiest and unhappiest countries in the world,
according to the World Happiness Report.
The 10 Happiest Countries in the World
From Global Citizen
Liberalism resurgent.
Links from Steve Kangas. See
his FAQ page.
The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities
by John J. Mearsheimer
A Thousand Small Sanities, Adam Gopnik
Why We're Liberals, a Political Handbook for Post-Bush
America:Eric Alterman
Paul Krugman: Conscience of a Liberal
Eric Alterman Why
We're Liberals A video (about an hour).
Karl Marx in America
by Andrew Hartman