What to expect if Trump wins the next election.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis (1935)

Endgame: The Risk of a Trump Coup and How to Prevent It (9/17/2024)

Here is what will happen on day one of Trump’s presidency, according to Project 2025 (9/9/2024)

The GOP Platform Perfectly Reflects the Lunacy of Trump’s Party (7/10/2024)

Electing Republicans in 2024 will make their dream of making the US a fascist dictatorship come true. If they win here's what will likely happen.

The first prediction: Trump will never willingly leave office. This time he can muster the full force of the federal government to assist.

He will work diligently so that he never loses an election again. J.D.Vance, his running mate, will do what Mike Pence would not, make Congress certify the election instead of the voters. JDV also favors switching sides in the Ukraine war, and making abortion illegal in all cases, no exceptions.

If Trump does lose. He will not accept the loss, and will go to great lengths to dispute the validity of the election. We have seen this before. There will likely be a fight over certification.

Trump is inclined to ally with authoritarians, not democracies. Republicans always had a fascist fringe, but now they are mainstream. If they win we might just as well not have fought WWII.

Republicans don't like democracy. American Government will become more authoritarian much like Orban's, Putin's or even Hitler's. Using the authoritarian playbook it will join the fascist axis and abandon traditional democratic allies.

Putin backed him and Trump called him a genius, probably consults with him more than we know, There are no witnesses.

He will weaken NATO and help Russia partition Ukraine.

The law was seriously weakened by Trump appointed judges. The likelihood is that in another term he would take over the DOJ and make it a tool for retribution.

The Supreme Court made him immune from criminal prosecution for any acts done as part of his official duties. He is no stranger to criminal behavior. He promised retribution on his opponents. This is how Navalny died.

The law failed to hold accountable a Presidential candidate, criminal who attempted a coup which continues, would shred the Constitution, aspires to be a fascist dictator. SCOTUS slow walked a decision that no one is above the law, then decided that the President is immune from the law while in office.

If SCOTUS decisions were undemocratic so far, another Trump term in office could make them far worse. Large amounts of money made sure the majority of the justices are Catholics, authoritarians, ready to make the church more culturally important. The wall between church and state will be at risk. Women will lose rights and healthcare. SCOTUS is on the ballot.

Trump looks and acts like a mob boss. When his lawyer, Michael Cohen, decided to tell all, Trump called him a rat. Opponents including poll workers, judges, witnesses in his many trials face threats of violence. He admires authoritarians like Putin, Orban, and loves Kim, supports them, would emulate their governments, He would surrender democratic government of Ukraine. He regards NATO as a protection racket, not a mutual defense treaty, so should he be reelected the US cannot be counted on for any prior commitments. He refused to acknowledge election results in an attempt to remain in office. There has been talk of repealing the 22nd Amendment, which limits the President to 2 terms.

For the mob boss, it’s good to be the President. You can’t be prosecuted, you can pardon your partners in crime.

Trump's lawsuits will disappear, and Jan 6 attackers will be pardoned. He can pardon himself.

To be eligible to serve in the Trump administration, candidates need to take an oath to Trump, not the Constitution.

It is instructive that anyone who does not endorse him is not welcome in the GOP. It is a cult. There will be no dissenting opinion. Nobody to say he is wrong. People not loyal to Trump are ejected from the GOP.

Trump does not make great decisions. He says he alone knows best, but he lies a lot and some of his decisions are ludicrous: [drink bleach, nuke hurricanes, fire public health monitors, have big rallies in a pandemic, slow the testing.] In the next administration there won't be independent minded people to keep him from doing the wrong thing, as there was in his first term.

Of the 44 cabinet members previously served with Trump, 40 do not endorse him. Think why he needed a new Vice President.

They’re trying to screen out people who have higher loyalties to the US constitution. It’s likely they’re looking for people whose higher loyalty is to Donald Trump. They’re trying to find lawyers who believe in dictatorship. You have to wonder what kind of people in good conscience could sign up for a Trump revenge tour. This appears to be a casting call for an American political horror movie. Timothy Naftali, senior research scholar at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs

Trump will have the ability to replace Civil Service with loyalists, they will not have the expertise that long serving public servants did. US government will be increasingly incompetent.

the worst kind of one-party state "invariably replaces all first-rate talent, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty." Hannah Arendt wrote in the 1940's. The American Crisis, What Went Wrong, How We Recover P150

In an unexpected emergency, such as a pandemic, incompetence in government will be evident and consequences disastrous. Remember how 'Brownie did a heckuva job' in Katrina. It will be like that.

There will be even more tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of the vulnerable and adding to the deficit. Wealth inequality, a fundamental problem, will increase. To support Republican values, requires a sociopaths.

Social Programs will deteriorate even more. Healthcare, turned over to the tender mercy of insurance companies, will cover even fewer at more expense with mediocre results.

The Supreme Court, which is not particularly expert, will be ruling on issues formerly decided by dedicated agencies. Their decision on abortion or guns are two examples of many unwise, undemocratic, ones that have produced chaos and brought us closer to fascism. They helped Trump run out the clock on his litigation.

"Our political system has been massively warped by a handful of radical extremely wealthy learning to use their wealth to influence and dominate our political system. They have created permanent institutions — Heritage, Cato, AEI, Hoover and others — designed for the specific purpose of furthering the plutocratic agenda." What's missing from our national narrative: The Republican Party is organized crime

The fossil fuel producers in red States and authoritarian countries support the GOP. The Koch brothers were founders of the Heritage, author of Project 2025 which is an agenda no one should like.

Climate conserving measures will be abandoned, the environment will become more hostile, and more destructive. There will not be much help for blue states.

Republicans in their towering hubris, will reject participation in international agreements, continue to default on UN dues. resign from the Paris Agreement, WHO,ICC, Nuclear ban,...

Fascism is a revolution from above. Once fascism has taken root, it is very difficult to remove because it is militarized and will use violence against its own people if they resist. Therefor, the kids are condemned to a long-term theocracy, violent culture, police state, an increasingly hostile environment, and a high probability of war, this time nuclear.

The most urgent challenges are trans-national, Republicans think many are a hoax and do not acknowledge them.

The Wiemar republic suddenly collapsed when Hitler came to power. Looks like a similar collapse here in the US. Swastikas are flying. You see what happened to Nazi Germany. This time war may be nuclear.

Trump Nazis
“Never let yourself be persuaded that any one Great Man, any one leader, is necessary to the salvation of America. When America consists of one leader and 158 million followers, it will no longer be America.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Say goodbye to democracy, elections, real education, good government, and freedom, Republicans would do away with all of them and replace them with an authoritarian regime. It won't be America anymore.

If the US becomes authoritarian, the future could be a new dark age.

A guide to Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration (3/20/2024)

Bullet Points for Project 2025

Project 2025 Bullet Points

Project 2025 - full text