
Can you time the market ?

Jamie Dimon says ‘brace yourself’ for an economic hurricane caused by the Fed and Ukraine war (6/1/2022)

Stocks Are Soaring. So Is Misery. (8/20/2020)

The Looming Bank Collapse (The Atlantic 7/2020)

As The Stock Market Soars, The Numbers Say That The Real Economy Is In The Midst Of A Historic Crash (6/9/2020)

What Is the Stock Market Even for Anymore? (5/27/2020)

Repeat After Me: The Markets Are Not the Economy (5/11/2020)

Crashing Economy, Rising Stocks: What’s Going On? (4/30/2020)

Are Trump and his circle manipulating the markets for personal gain? Here's the evidence (1/26/2020)

International Business Times

Americans for Financial Reform

Shareholders United

Max Keiser



Web Sites to Check




The Motley Fool

Investors WatchBlog

Yahoo - by Industry

Guardian: Money

The Street

Business Insider

Personal Finance Blog





Real Clear Markets

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Google Finance

Financial Times

Investor's Business Daily

John Mauldin

Thoughts from the front line

International Currency Exchange Rate Calculator

Investment Postcards


BullPoo - swap tips with other investors.

Economagic - time series economic data.

Financial Armageddon

Kitco - precious metal pricing and more.



Yahoo! Finance

Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Calculated Risk

“There Is Definite Hanky-Panky Going On”: The Fantastically Profitable Mystery of the Trump Chaos Trades (10/16/2019)

The S.E.C.’s Clayton Turns Oversight Partisan (10/24/2019)

The Top 10% Account For 50% Of Consumption, But The Wealthy Have Stopped Spending (9/3/2019)

‘Father of Reaganomics’ says ‘get out of the market’ — bond and stock market — ‘and put your money in cash’ (2/23/2019)

The Ghost of Trump Chaos Future (12/24/2018)

The Art of the Imaginary Deal, On trade, Trump is a rebel without a clue (12/7/2018)

Economists: Second-longest economic boom in US history ends in 2020 … with a recession. (8/6/2018)

How Trump’s Trade War Went From 18 Products to 10,000 (7/11/2018)

Put the Next Recession on Your Card (7/2/2018)

U.S. is mortgaging its future (4/20/2018)

The Art of the Flail (4/5/2018)

Recent stock market sell-off foreshadows a new Great Recession (3/19/2018)

Donald Trump Just Made It Way Easier for Your Financial Adviser to Rip You Off. The fiduciary rule sounds boring, but getting rid of it could cost you big-time. (2/3/2017)

Planning for retirement, your hard-earned nest egg must last for the rest of your life, but your financial professional doesn't have to work on your behalf because the Republican Congress decided that the fiduciary rule is unnecessary.

..."the business press grew too close intellectually to the institutions it covered, became overly preoccupied with what insiders cared about, and placed a high premium on gaining access to power and a low one holding it accountable. It placed too much emphasis on being first by a few hours and not enough on telling stories that otherwise would never be known. In short, mainstream financial journalism drifted from its own investigative traditions." Dean Starkman.

Has Trumphoria Finally Hit a Wall? (2/5/2018)

The stock market has boomed under Trump. What happens next might scare you. Larry Summers (1/29/2017)

George Soros calls this ugly market rout a ‘crisis’ (1/7/2016)

Sustainable Economies Resources

BRIC countries facing unprecedented collapse – U.S. wins major round of global currency wars (9/14/2015)

Wall Street's Secret Pension Swindle (4/27/2014)

2013: Beginning of a Long-Term Recession ? (1/6/2013)

The Retirement Savings Drain

Is Gold a Reasonable Investment? (9/29/2009)

Jon Stewart vs Kramer (video) About CNBC. See

The End of Wall Street's Boom: Michael Lewis, Portfolio Magazine 12/2008

For some notes on the outlook for the economy, see this.

Ron Paul: Questioning Ben Bernanke on monetary policy
The video clip below contains an exchange between Sen. Ron Paul and Ben Bernanke during the latter’s recent testimony to the Joint Economic Committee of Congress.


SEC Data Viewers

Mutual Fund Screens

Yahoo Finance



Exchange traded funds are bought and sold just like stocks.



Do you need a personal financial advisor ?


Oanda, currency site

map of currency movement  (requires java)




The Vigilant Investor: Pat Huddleston

The Trillion Dollar Meltdown: Charles R. Morris

The Smartest Investment Book You'll Ever Read: Daniel R. Solin

The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism: John C. Bogle

Empire of Debt: William Bonner and Addison Wiggin.

Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets: William Bonner and Lila Rajiva